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Gouty arthritis in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2017-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: arthritisomarthritisosteoarthritisarthriticurethritisdysarthrianephritispyelonephritisMeaning: n. a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints. 
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1. Acute gouty arthritis, however, is uncommon in these patients.
2. Patients who have recurrent attacks of gouty arthritis may develop features closely resembling rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Prophylactic therapy to avoid acute gouty arthritis should accompany the initiation of allopurinol therapy.
4. Many causes of hyperuricemia have been recognized; however, gouty arthritis is seen with relative frequency in only a few conditions.
5. Objective : To study the characters of Gouty Arthritis happened in extreme cold areas.
6. Methods Acute gouty arthritis 50 patients were divided into low dose group, the conventional dose group.
7. A total of 29 patients with gouty arthritis were diagnosed by arthroscopy between January 2001 and January 2004. Then biopsy and synovectomy were performed under arthroscope.
8. Objective To observe Tongfeng particles treatment of acute gouty arthritis on clinical efficacy.
9. Although gouty arthritis is a common metabolic disorder, and the gouty tophi may be deposited in the joints and juxtaarticular connective tissue(, its affliction of the axial spine is relatively rare.
10. Methods: 16 Gouty Arthritis cases diagnosed by different Methods: Were collected antigouty treatment were 100 %.
11. This is gout . Gouty arthritis results from deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints.
12. For this reason[sentencedict .com], it is generally regarded as the drug of choice for acute gouty arthritis.
13. Benemid is recommended for the treatmemt of gout and gouty arthritis, and to increase and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins during anti-infective therapy.
14. Objective: The aimto research the functional mechanism of therapy for acute gouty arthritis through Tongfengning capsule.
15. Gouty nephropathy is usually a late manifestation of severe gouty arthritis.
16. Benemid is recommended for the treatment of gout and gouty arthritis, and to increase and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins during anti- infective therapy.
17. Methods Gout granula was used to treat the acute gouty arthritis in rat urate crystal.
18. So the swelling level of joint in rats with gouty arthritis was taken as perimeter margin of talocrural joint before and after model establishment.
19. Conclusion Moxibustion therapy is an effective method for acute gouty arthritis.
20. Objective : To explore the mechanism of Tibetan formula Maoru powder on acute gouty arthritis.
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